Hi friends-
This weeks finds are for the dads. I’m lucky enough to have a great one. One who picked me up from the car dealership at 8:20am today (so I didn’t have to wait while it got an oil change) only to spend all day running errands and helping me with home projects that I’ve put on the back burner. This is a typical day for him, though- doing for others. The least we can do is celebrate him for a day to show him just how much he means to us.
Given the current state of our country, I can’t help but acknowledge George Floyd who tragically will not be celebrating father’s day with his kids this year. The past couple weeks have been extremely heavy. I have felt enraged, broken hearted, remorseful, hopeful, inspired, courageous- to name a few. One thing I haven’t felt like doing is sharing my ‘favorite finds’ with you, because, #BLACKLIVESMATTER >>>>>>>>>> #mollyfinds. However- although I am posting again, I am wholeheartedly devoted to being better, listening, learning, and advocating for BIPOC. I will be donating all of the commission from this post to the incredible non-profit organization, EmbraceRace.