How is everyone holding up? I know we’ve all seen posts by now in regards to posting our regular scheduled content to provide a positive distraction with everything going on right now. I’m all in favor of this, especially from the comfort of my own home.
I was feeling really silly as I starting working on this volume of molly finds last week. Posting about pretty dresses, shoes, accessories, etc. in the midst of a pandemic wasn’t sitting well with me. So, I decided to scrap my original ‘finds’ and create a post solely dedicated to small businesses. Some of these items are handmade by incredibly talented artisans, some are from boutiques that had to make the decision to temporarily close their brick and mortar stores with an unknown re-opening date, some are both. We must find a way to help each other during these times of uncertainty and if one of those ways is as simple as purchasing something fun from a small retailer, count me in!
I will link as many of the above as I can in the app (some don’t have the compatibility), otherwise, use the above links and hopefully you’ll discover a new shop you love! And if you’re curious what I had originally picked out for this weeks molly finds, those are linked in the app as well.
Leaving you with the picture I promised of my Stella wearing our favorite collar. This was from Valentine’s Day when I got a wild hair and turned into a momager for a hot sec. You can see she wasn’t loving the photo shoot quite as much as I, but her collar sure does look cute!